VFW Post 210 in conjunction with the American Legion Post 44 in Lakeville will provide military honors for any veteran's family that request us.
Bugler Available to Volunteer Taps at Events
Mr. Pederson will play Taps as a Volunteer for your eventFolks:I’m a musician who has been on sabbatical for many years and now a CEO of a software company. Last year, I heard taps played on a recording machine. Since that time, I’ve played at a number of events including two at Arlington National Cemetery.My frustration is that I can’t seem to get the word out I’m a volunteer (when in town) in MN. I’ve talked to Ft. Snelling, a number of nursing homes, a number of VFWs, etc., but have NEVER had a request (except through BAA Buglers Across America).I’m here and willing.
Regards,Steve Pederson
spederson@brightplanet.com(m) 612-840-6888